This workout was tough!

So our CEO and North Austin Texas Instructor, C.J. Woodruff, has been dabbling with cross-fit workouts a bit.  He’s still very new to the world of cross-fit but is trying to develop some new skills and see what all the hype is about.   Along side his client and friend Tim, C.J. decided to try out the 16.5 cross-fit open workout   If you are not familiar with the cross-fit open workouts, you can see them here.  CLICK HERE

If you are familiar, you know that they are no joke!  Well this was not a let down.  In this workout they decided to attempt the “RX”, which basically means it is not scaled down or modified.   Now with that being said, they are both new to the competitions so many of the reps may not have fully qualified.   Things like “over the bar” was unsure and sloppy at times.  Also, breaking below the knees on each of the thrusters.   Regardless though, just finishing these workouts is pretty awesome and deserves a pat on the back.

Here’s The Workout

Reps: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 (descending ladder)

Barbell Thrusters @95lbs

Over The Bar Burpees @BW


This is the instructional video for the 16.5 Open Workout from Cross-Fit HQ

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